thanks to Anna Pavoll who took most of the new pictures on the
site!! Heroic effort! Also, many thanks to Bill Loxterman for
excellent group photos. (How come everybody hates having their
picture taken but loves having pictures of themselves?- one of
life's paradoxes.
out the 'Then and Now' area to see what's online so far.
Reunion Reports 2001
Robbie Hurley:
" We had 50 classmates along
with spouses/friends for this 36th reunion. On Friday we were
joined by about 50 people from the classes around us as well
as appearances by former teachers ( and spouses) Jim Weitzel,
Jack Henderson (in from Columbus), Keith Krantz (from Lancaster),
and Dick and Renate Knuth. John Gatti was, unfortunately, a last
minute cancellation but we had a great time reminiscing with
all of them.
A 50/50 raffle was held to help
with the evening's costs and we raised nearly $400 with the 50%
going to none other than Bobby Komniey! Bob, what did you do
with all that loot? Or would we rather not know??!!?
Saturday's picnic was highlighted
by the cold weather but we all survived, through excellent spirits
(take it however you wish), food, DJ, group photo, dancing (I
never thought that 'Atomic Do'g would replace 'My Girl'), and
just plain good visiting.
A reunion booklet was compiled
and distributed and those of you who sent in info will be receiving
yours by mail. We have a few extra copies, too, so let Robbie
know if you would like one (see E-mail Archive - or 614-488-1746).
Sherry Hull Wheeler, with the
assistance of Joanne Green Gurley, did an outstanding job putting
the booklet together and you will no doubt have fun reading the
updates. Be sure you send yours in next time!
Sharon Randall Hammond put together
some really wonderful collages of old memorabilia from high school
including the Harbinger of Senior wills, dance programs, photos
from each elementary school (we were missing St. Clair, though,
Dick), parties, Little League All-Stars, band, etc. Anna Pavoll
also found the posters she prepared for the 30th reunion of past
reunion photos and brought those (along with the signs for the
The 50/50 raffle on Saturday
brought in $300 with half for the Scholarship fund and half to
the winner, Bob Bartish. I have fewer questions about what Bob
B. did with his money but, hey, who knows? We also had additional
raffle items donated by Anna and John Jacobs. Two Harvey-Riverside
T-shirts were won by Barb Voellinger and Al Lillstrung; two Harvey
Christmas ornaments were won by Tom Hurley (no, not a fix) and
Ben Wood, Chris Kinsey's husband. Two Anna Pavoll mood/period
(ask Anna) pen and ink drawings AKA Pavoll Prints - were
won by Bob Gillooly and Madison Davis. Finally, Anna donated
a bottle of Australian wine (in honor of Joe Dolce, of course)
which was won by the only classmate who could prove their school
spirit by showing red/black/HHS underwear. The big winner was
Bill Loxterman!
John Stanzi, Master of Ceremonies,
waxed eloquent about our fallen classmates (and those not so
gone including Valerie Hood Volpert, rumored to be deceased)
as well as the importance of the Scholarship Fund. John also
sang for us and shared a few photos from the old days when he
played the accordian and when he led a Mexican band. What's up
with that?
We successfully raised $1000
for this year's Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. We will
contact the Endowment Committee at Harvey and have them administer
the Fund which will make donations tax-deductible. Our
goal at this time is to raise at least $1000 per year. Maybe
more, if possible! Major thanks to those of you who were able
to contribute. If you have had to pay for your own education
or that of your children, you know that this money will make
a big difference! Ben Wilcoxon tried to apply for the money.
Nice try, Ben!
If you are in Painesville, stop
by Harvey and check out the Memorial Walk and Garden in front
of the high school. Our brick should be in place before too long.
Finally, put Labor Day Weekend
2005 on your calender: OUR 40TH!! And plan on the
same weekend every 5 years thereafter. No conflicts, no excuses!
Provide any changes of address, phone or e-mail to Robbie (
or Judy Ball (614-818-9616). And tell us updates of others with
whom you are in contact. If you can help with the next reunion,
please don't be shy. Along with the everyday tasks, we'll want
some fun and interesting door prizes (Anna set the example, for
Closing thoughts: So many thanks need to go out to those
who helped support the effort this past weekend including the
Columbus and Painesville committees: Judy Lankford Ball, Sharon
Randall Hammond, Cynthia Schneider, Cindy Snyder Tardino, Marilyn
Smith Butcher, Becky Schlegel Swenson, Dick Johnson, Norm Conti,
Sherry Hull Wheeler, Anna Pavoll, Joanne Green Gurley, Jan Parsons
Tokar. (Marilyn and Bob Mallett were our "worthy advisors").
Thanks, too, to Silvio Trifiletti and Hellriegel's who made planning
a breeze. As Dave Gollust said (this is not a direct quote),
as we get older, touching base with Painesville is a good thing.
(Dave, correct me if I didn't capture the sentiment).
Dave Gollust:
"I wish the
reunion had been better-attended but I still enjoyed myself.
The first (multi-class) night, several (coach and faculty ) were
there and it was fun to talk to Keith Krantz, Jim Weitzel, Jack
Henderson and Dick Knuth, who taught me all I know about wood-working
(skills I actually still use). . . "
Anna Pavoll:
" The party really was fun. Seems the people that went to
this reunion were the ones that haven't been harboring any old
grudges. Everyone relaxed and had fun...Lots of hugging and kissing
(at least I kissed everyone!!) A lot of conversations were centered
around retirement and grandchildren.....everyone seemed happy
with their lives, their family, their life in general....I didn't
get any negative vibes from anyone. Those that are divorced even
seem to be over the mental anguish and are getting on with their
lives. John bought two of the 'Harvey vs Riverside' 50th Anniversary
T-shirts and donated them for the Saturday raffle... I donated
two prints of pen and ink drawings I had done....I figured if
they didn't like them, they could give them was a
"prize"...and that's all that counts...Then I donated
a wrapped bottle of Australian Shiraz, in your honor...(and I
did say this when we did the give-away) ...'this is in honor
of Joe Dolce who couldn't be with us tonight and has put so much
work into the web-site....Anyone (other than me) that is wearing
"red" underwear tonight will win the bottle of wine.'..Since
I had worn red underwear I would show mine and the winner had
to show theirs...well...someone did have something close...."Harvey"
underwear...I can't honestly tell you who it was...maybe Bill will have to get that information from John Jacobs
or someone as I was laughing too much to take notice...well,
he showed his underwear waste-band and I did the same....We at
least had everyone's attention for a few minutes... "

what was Mr. Elmer doing at Anna's pajama party? Did it have
anything to do with what happened on the grassy knoll?)