167 W .Washington Street
Painesville, Ohio 44077



The building of the first high school in Painesville had originally
housed a private school, the Painesville Academy. In 1852, the
Academy's trustees deeded the school building and grounds to
the school board. This old grammar/high school was torn down
in 1860 in order to build a new two-story brick building.
Later knows as the "Old Academy Building", it served
as a grammar and high school until 1898 when Painesville High
school was built. It continued to be used as an elementary school
until the early 1920's when it was razed to permit the construction
of Harvey High School at the same site.
Harvey High School was named after Thomas W. Harvey, former district
superintendent who gained statewide recognition as an educator
and was dedicated in November of 1922.
The building included classrooms, laboratories, a cafeteria,
offices for the superintendent and principal, a gymnasium seating
six hundred, and a combined auditorium/study hall. In 1924 a
student government association was started on a small scale by
permitting selected student to have honor study halls. It was
after this experiment proved successful that all students were
given the privilege of studying in an honor study hall.
In 1952, a new wing was added to the east
side of the building after the old Champion Junior High was razed.
This wing included new classrooms, a cafeteria, a library, and
an gymnasium.
In 1965, the seating capacity of the cafeteria dining area was
doubled by the construction of a $35,000 addition to the building.
At the same time, the serving area in the kitchen was remodeled.
Provision was made in the new addition for access to the library
so that the added seating capacity could be used for study purposes.
In 1968, and extensive remodeling program of the original building
was initiated. Rooms were redecorated and a new $65,000 locker/shower
room facility was added for the girls.
A two-phase construction program which started in 1970 was completed
in September, 1972. The third-story addition on the east end
of the building added additional classroom space and enlarged
and improved the home economics and business education facilities.
Additional construction on the southeast side of the building
increased space for the cafeteria and boys' locker room.
The most recent construction which was completed in 1976 included
a new suite of guidance offices, a new vocational wing, a new
gym floor in the west gymnasium. This new vocational addition,
located on the west end of the building, is named the John J.
Britt Vocational Wing in honor of the former principal of Harvey
and assistant superintendent of Painesville City Local Schools.
This area houses the vocational auto mechanics, vocational electronics,
industrial arts, metal shop, drafting, and photography rooms.
Thomas Wadleigh Harvey was undoubtedly one of the most versatile
educators ever to serve in the Ohio public school system. Born
in New London, New Hampshire in 1821, Harvey moved with his family
to Ohio in 1833 and settled on a farm in Concord.
After spending four years working for a Painesville newspaper,
Harvey received a teaching certificate in 1841. Over the next
42 years of his life, he served as a teacher in Mentor school
district, a principal of an academy in Republic (Seneca County),
and a superintendent of public schools in Massillon and Painesville.
In 1871, Governor Rutherford B. Hayes appointed him State Commissioner
of Common Schools, a position he held until 1875. Toward the
end of his career, Harvey was engaged as an instructor in teachers'
institutes, as a lecturer, and as a trustee of the Lake Erie
Seminary and the Grand River Institute.
In addition to his contributions as a teacher and administrator,
Harvey helped revise the McGuffey readers and authored several
textbooks of his own including:
Harvey's English
Grammar (1868)
The Graded School Primary Speller (1875).
A founder of the Ohio State Teachers' Association, Harvey also
was a founder and first president of the Northeastern Ohio Teachers'
Note: Not sure exactly what the source of this information
is but I got it from the Harvey High School Website located here:
